Volvo VN V2 ES02 truck speed limit programming by Nexiq USB2 Techtool

Volvo VN V2 ES02 truck speed limit programming by Nexiq USB2+Techtool

This instruction shows you a guide on how to use Nexiq USB2 interface and Volvo PTT diagnostic software to do speed limit programming for Volvo VN V2 ES02 truck.


  • Connect Nexiq USB2 diagnostic tool to Volvo truck and PC, then run Volvo Techtool software
  • After truck identification.

Select the °∞Program°± toolbar, then select °∞Service and maintenance°±

After then click °∞Parameter, programming°± and click °∞Start°±

Click the °∞Start°± button, then select °∞Road Speed Limit°±

After then check and find °∞Cruise control max speed°±

Input the new value you want, then click °∞Continue°±

Now here show the parameters to be programmed, click °∞Program°±