JPRO Commercial Vehicle Diagnostics interface configuration setting

JPRO Commercial Vehicle Diagnostics interface configuration setting

There are several diagnostic interfaces compatible with JPRO commercial vehicle diagnostic software. You must set up your diagnostic interface in the configuration settings. Here we will show you how to set them.


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Nexiq USB Link 2


Run JPRO Commercial Vehicle Diagnostics software, then select °∞Application Settings°±

Then select °∞Preferences°±

Open °∞Connection°± and select °∞Connect using these settings°±

Select °∞NEXIQ Technologies USB-Link 2°± from the Vendor list

Select °∞USB-Link 2°± from the Device list

Then click OK

After then click the °∞Connect°± button on the menu

And then select °∞Heavy Duty°± in °∞Select Connection Type°±

Now connection build